An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
First time voters and current voters can update their registration, locate a voting location, view sample ballots, review election results and much more.
See key dates and more information regarding the next election.
As a Kentucky voter, you have many rights during an election. Find out what they are, what responsibilities you have, and what to do if you feel your right to vote has been violated.
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) created special provisions for absent uniformed services and overseas citizens to vote by mail in primary, general, and special elections for federal offices; and to allow these individuals to use a federal write-in absentee ballot (FWAB) in the general election for federal offices.
Find out how to vote if you are a student living away at a college or university.
Absentee voting is the way for voters who cannot make it to the polls on Election Day to cast their ballot. All the information you need to cast an absentee ballot, if eligible, is here.
A precinct election officer is a very important person who works the polls all day on election day to ensure that voting is conducted fairly and orderly in each precinct.
How will a person know if they are registered to vote and is the voter registration card complete? Find out the answers plus more.