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Kentucky Election Integrity Process ​(KEIP)

​​​​​​Monthly Cumulative Removal Statistics

KEIP Information Sheet

Voter List Maintenance

​​​​​​​​​The State Board of Elections (SBE), in accordance with federal and state statutes regarding voter registration maintains Kentucky's voter registration database

Voter List Maintenance is the ongoing process of keeping a voter's information as current and accurate as possible while also removing voters from the Kentucky Voter Registration System (VRS) database when required​.  For more information about Voter List Maintenance please see this factsheet​ provided by the Federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC).​​

Since 2019, the State Board of Elections has removed over 734,000 ineligible voter registrations.  For a break down of those removals, click here.

Maintenance Performed on a Regular Basis

Voter list maintenance is performed daily by SBE in acordance with state law. The following is a list of the most common actions related to voter list maintenance that occur regularly:

  • Voter moves within their county (Address and precinct updated)
  • Voter moves to a different Kentucky ​county (County, address and precinct updated)
  • Voter moves to a different state (Voter purged from VRS)
  • Voter has been declared deceased (Voter purged from VRS)
  • Voter is judicially found to be mentally incompetent (Voter purged from VRS)
  • Voter convicted of a felony recorded by the Administrative Office of the Courts (Voter purged from VRS)
  • Voter requests that their voter registration be cancelled (Voter purged from VRS)​
In January 2024, pursuant to KRS 116.113(1)​, the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services’ Office of Vital Statistics provided the State Board of Elections with historical death data reflecting all deaths in the state from 1911 to the present.  Using this data, SBE was able to find 11,122 registrations that had not been previously removed from the Commonwealth’s voter rolls.  These registrations were purged on February 9, 2024.​​​

Maintenance Performed Yearly

On a yearly​​ basis, SBE is also required to follow the processes as outlined in the National Voter Registration Act​ (NVRA) and state law​. At least once a year, SBE receives a report showing Kentucky voters who have likely moved and need to have their information updated. This report comes from the National Change of Address (NCOA), provided by the United States Postal Service. A returnable, forwardable, correctable, postage-paid card is sent to these thousands of voters in order to give them every opportunity to:

  • Confirm that they have not moved.
  • Confirm that they have moved within Kentucky and provide SBE with the new address.
  • Confirm that they have moved out of state.

There are two types of cards which must be sent, the 8(c)1​ and the 8(d)2​. The process for both of those types of cards is further explained here​.
If SBE receives no reply from these mailings, then the voter enters the NVRA “Inactive" status, which may end in the voter being properly removed from the KY voter registration database. More detailed information on this program may be found here​​.

​For reports regarding recent voter list maintenance, please select a year below for details:

ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center)

  • The NVRA permits states to use uniform and non-discriminatory practices to ensure the accuracy of their voter lists, including using mechanisms to check information across states. In 2019, KY began participating in ERIC, a non-profit organization with the sole mission of assisting states to improve the accuracy of America’s voter rolls and increase access to voter registration for all eligible citizens.
  • ​ERIC website:
  • ​​ERIC Bylaws and Membership Agreement

Moved Out of State?

Call the State Board of Elections at (502) 782-9502 to receive instructions for removing your Kentucky voter registration from our rolls.​